Ghana’s President has accepted the resignation of the Hon. Carlos Ahenkorah as the deputy minister and Trade.

According to a press release signed by Eugene Arhin- Director of Communications, office of the president, the president accepts the resignation and wish him well


The Minister has tested positive to the corona virus on the 23rd June,2020 and and asked by his doctors to self isolate prior to the ongoing voter registration. But the Minister decided to visit registration centers with his driver who was also positive for the virus.

The Hon Minister was at the centers in his constituency to monitor the registration and also have first hand information on reported faulty machines.

This called for outrage among sections of Ghanaian who knew he was positive. He granted interviews to radio stations in the capital and admitted he was positive but asymptomatic and can go out, stating in an interview that the W.H.O protocols allows him to go into the public, but with nose mask on and observing social distancing

Hon. Carlos Ahenkorah