President Trump was in Greenville Thursday speaking for more than an hour to a packed crowd at Pitt Greenville Airport, rallying support and making his case for four more years.

One person who got to the rally early said, “Huge, phenomenal. And they’re still coming.”

Those who showed up had specific reasons for being there.

Savannah Walker said, “He’s kept every promise he said he was gonna keep so I think he’s done more for the American people in the last four years than any president I know of in my lifetime.”

The president downplayed the virus while criticizing opponent Joe Biden.

Trump said, “We’re seeing the most far-left agenda ever put forward by a presidential nominee.”

Trump also advocated for the state to fully open back up saying, “North Carolina, tell your governor open up your state open up your schools.”

The rally energized his supporters who said they are ready for four more years.

The rally started shortly after 1:30 p.m. as the president was late leaving Washington, D.C.

The president, who earlier this month contracted COVID-19, and his aids boarded the aircraft at Joint Base Andrews without any face masks.

At the airport in Greenville, supporters are standing side-by-side and many are not wearing masks.

Trump spoke to the enthusiastic crowd for nearly 90 minutes, often criticizing Democrat Joe Biden, and told supporters this was the most important presidential election in their lifetime.

The president has now visited the battleground state five times in the past six weeks. It comes as early voting begins across the state.

The lights are out, and the stands are up at the Pitt Greenville Airport. With COVID-19 case numbers rising in N.C., there is some concern about possibly thousands of people going to the president’s campaign rally at the Pitt Greenville Airport Thursday.

Pitt County Health Director Dr. John Silvernail said, “Anytime you bring people together, there’s potential for COVID or any other communicable disease.”

According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Resources, there are over 5,000 COVID Cases in Pitt County and 35 deaths.

Silvernail advises people who are planning to go to the rally to bring some things with them. “I would encourage people who want to come and exercise their first amendment right to do so responsibly, to wear their mask, to sanitize their hands often, and try to stay 6 feet away from others.”

DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen said large gatherings of any kind are a concern.

“There are certain events that folks have been to whether their political rallies or other large gatherings, with folks who are close together and not wearing masks where this virus spreads.”

Cohen went on to explain the recent events at the White House are an example of how the virus spreads.

“I think we learned that from Washington D.C. and the White House itself right. When you’re close together without masks, this virus spreads,” said Cohen.

It’s why she continues to stress the importance of the 3 W’s.

“We really need to be working hard all together on those 3 W’s.” Cohen said.

Silvernail said the health department has not been involved in crowd preparations at the Trump Rally Thursday. He also said if you’re sick, stay home.