President Edgar Lungu has unveiled the Presidential Tourism Council comprising eleven cabinet Ministers in readiness for its inauguration.

The Council that will be chaired by President Lungu includes Ministers of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu, Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela, Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme.

Others are Ministers of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya,Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji , Commerce Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma and Communications and transport Mutotwe Kafwaya.

The Council will also have Local Government Minister Charles Banda, Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa.

President Lungu has urged all members to work towards strengthening efforts from their portfolios to resolve issues in the tourism sector.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by Vice President Inonge Wina during the Launch of the Tourism Master Plan in Lusaka today.

The Head of State said tourism cuts across all ministries and its success depends on the coordination and cooperation of other players.

President Lungu charged the ministers to identify key aspects of the tourism strategy that should be performed by the ministries and develop ministry specific strategies to deal with tourism related matters among responsibilities.

The Head of State said he will soon call for a round table meeting for the council members to have an indepth discussion on how best to propel tourism into a viable sector.

Source : voyagesafriq